Peas a ChanceGive peas a chance

A Cheltenham mum is to undergo therapy to help her overcome her fear of peas.  Louise Arnold flees restaurants if she spots peas on a plate and gets anxious if she sees them in a
supermarket. Now Louise, 35, is to undergo therapy as part of an ITV show called Phobias in a bid to cure her irrational fear. She will see counsellors, hypnotherapists and acupuncturists to tackle the phobia
which began after the birth of daughter Chloe, five.

She said: ‘I’ve got to stop this because I can’t
bear to be in the same room as peas. There have been occasions where I’ve been out for a meal and asked
the waiter for no peas and had to rush out of the restaurant when they forget. I can’t
even go to my local pub because they serve peas on the menu. I’d love to lead a normal life and be able to go into the pub
and have a drink.’

But she gets little sympathy from her friends, who bought her a T-shirt saying: ‘Give peas a chance’.

Nicky Lidbetter of the National Phobic Society believes that Louise could be cured
of her phobia.

Reported by Ananova online and the Victoria Derbyshire show on BBC Radio 5 Live.

Potato Festivalpotato festival story

Small and pink, black and bumpy,
even grey and shrivelled — the potato took centre stage on Tuesday as Bolivian peasants admired each other’s
prize produce at an Andean harvest festival.

Hundreds of villagers dressed in traditional
ceremonial dress of bright red ponchos and shawls gathered in the highland village of Pillapi to show off 32 varieties of potato, swap tips, dance and share a typical potato picnic.

Bolivian Potato FestivalLino Condori, mayor of
the Tiwanaku municipality where Pillapi is located, said ‘the potato that the conquerors took to Europe is the most important product in our region’ .

He was referring to Spain, which colonised the Andean
highlands in the 16th century and took one of their discoveries — potatoes — back to Europe.

Local authorities are hoping the festival will eventually become a tourist attraction.  Reported from
PILLAPI, in Bolivia by Reuters.

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