Hard Hats Safety

Unless you saw these funny safety pictures, you would not believe what people do at work.  Even with the pictures, you may think some were faked, but Will and Guy cannot see the joins!


Meanings to a ‘Prop Shaft’
Dangerous Mining Prop Shaft

Funny safety picture - changing a prop shaft

Nothing As Mundane as Safety Must Interfere with the Tea Break

Safety - The Tea Break

Please send us your funny construction safety pictures.

Electrical Safety Pictures  –
Lightning Nearly Strikes Man

Funny Safety Story

workmen were digging foundations when one of them started shouting and
jumping about. The other one thought his partner had hit an underground
power cable and was being electrocuted so following good health and safety
practice used a shovel to separate him from the electricity.

Luckily for the
first worker he wasn’t getting an electric shock but was panicking after a
wasp had flown up his trousers. Fortunately he didn’t get stung, but the second
worker hit him so hard with the shovel that his shoulder was dislocated.

Lightning strikes man - nearly

See more funny
electric safety pictures

A New Angle on ‘Protection Goggles’

Delivery Boy

Health Tip

From page 21 of the Health & Safety Handbook for Employees:
‘Blink your eyelids periodically to lubricate your eyes’.

Another Funny Safety Picture –
Shocking Shower?Shocking shower

Shocking shower

Be Careful!  Try not to touch the shower – SHOCK

Funny Workplace Safety TalesFunny health and safety pictures

Will and Guy’s Selection of funny health and safety tales at the

  1. Safety is a major concern at the manufacturing company
    where I work.  So I’m constantly preaching caution to the workers I
    supervise.  ‘Does anyone know,’ I asked a few guys, ‘what the speed
    limit is in our parking lot?’The long silence that followed
    was interrupted when one of them piped up.  ‘That depends. Do you
    mean coming to work or leaving?’
  2. A bus carrying five passengers was hit by a car in Boston,
    Massachusetts, but by the time police arrived on the scene, fourteen
    pedestrians had boarded the bus and had begun to complain of
    whiplash injuries and back pain.
  3. Safety Managers: persons who write a 10,000 word document
    and call it a brief – Franz Kafka
  4. What do you get if you put 100 Safety Managers in your
    basement? – A whine cellar.Funny sign - Safety at the Workplace
  5. Dead Slow – Live Children
    Here is an interesting oxymoron.  Humorous safety signs
    really do work.
  6. A police protection officer was visiting a primary school in
    a particularly rough area of Manchester, England.’Why
    shouldn’t you touch the oven door or the kettle?’ he asked the
    assembled class.

    A young girls hand shot into the air.
    ‘Because you might leave fingerprints,’ she answered.

  7. A crowd gathered around at a woodworking trade show held
    at Fort Purbrook, Portsmouth and were watching a sales
    The demonstrator had an ordinary saw next to
    another which had a saw stopping safety device.  He showed how each
    might work when it hit an operator’s finger.

    For simulation
    purposes he used a sausage as a substitute.  Intrigued, a curious
    spectator stepped up for a closer look and was struck in the eye by
    a flying piece of debris.


More Amusing Pictures of Safety at Work

Can’t reach?  Send for a fork-lift truck, or 3…

Safety at work - Fork lift truck

Then, the box fell off the back …..

Delivery Boy

Finally, it was crushed.

Funny do not crush

Safety Film – Report

A company trying to continue its five-year perfect safety record showed its workers a film aimed at encouraging the
use of safety goggles on the job.  According to the Health and Safety Council News, the film’s
depiction of gory industrial accidents was so graphic that twenty-five workers suffered minor injuries in
their rush to leave the screening room.  Thirteen others fainted, and one man required seven stitches after he cut his head falling off a chair while watching the film.

Safety Rules At Home

Safety at Home

A Clean,
Amusing Health and Safety in the Cinema JokeCinema Joke

Christopher was sprawled across three entire seats in a theatre. When the
usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the man, ‘Sorry sir, but
you’re only allowed one seat.’

Christopher groaned but didn’t budge one inch. The usher became
impatient. ‘Sir,’ the usher announced, ‘If you don’t get up from there, I’m
going to have to call the manager.’

Again, Christopher just groaned which, in turn, infuriated the usher who
spun on his heel and marched briskly back up the aisle in search of his
manager. In a few moments, both the usher and the manager returned and stood
over the man. Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move him, but
with no success.  Finally, they summoned the police. The cop surveyed the
situation briefly.

All right, mate. What’s your name?’
‘Chris,’ the man moaned, in
considerable agony.

‘And where you from, Chris?’ the cop barked.
‘The balcony.’

New Health and Seek Game

Safety at Home

Please send us your funny safety pictures.

Will and Guy’s Take on Health and Safety in the WorkplaceFunny Safety Officer

Interestingly, Will and Guy have been researching Health and Safety in
relation to business and work places. We are aware that intrinsically it is
not a very interesting topic therefore it becomes essential, we think, to
mix the serious message with humour.

The fact that in the UK over a *million workers get injured every year
and 25,000 people are forced to give up work because of injury or illness
caused by work shows that employers are very much taking risks with their
workers’ health. Most of these injuries could have been avoided if employers
had implemented proper safety procedures, but research has shown that around
half of employers have not even done a simple risk assessment which is, in
fact, a legal requirement.

*TUC [Trades Union congress]figures 2009

We are aware that our site pages are towards the top of peoples’ choices
to view. Why not, therefore, use our findings, stories, pictures, posters
and articles in your induction courses and indeed in your Health and Safety
programmes. Research indicates that the following three ideas are proven to
be successful in communicating to a workforce about Health and Safety.

We have found that people remember 50% more in what they see than in what
they hear.

Visuals get people’s attention. Advertising people know about this. The
many images on billboards, magazines, newspapers or even on the internet are
testimonies that visuals do attract people and advertising using visuals are
so effective.

Humour In Posters Brings Good Feelings To a Workplace

This makes ideas more memorable and able to be understood. This has a lot
to do with the working of the mind. Pleasant thoughts generate more
receptive learning. Have you ever tried studying for an exam when you have
ugly thoughts disturbing your mind?
Humour effectively drives a point

Therefore it becomes easier to understand when done correctly. Accidents
situations cannot be photographed. Only stuntmen are crazy enough to do
things that can result in accidents. Cartoons can be effectively used to
illustrate dangerous situations which might be impossible to capture on film
in real life

Examples of Humour in Health and Safety

Good Dental Jokes

  1. The cap of Bert’s tooth fell out so he phoned his dentist, Doctor
    Exelby, to ask if it could be replaced.’Yes,’ said the dentist,
    ‘but it will cost you £175.’
    ‘No way,’ said Bert and went off to buy a
    50p tube of superglue and stuck the cap back carefully.

    He woke
    up in Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham.
    Warning: Apparently
    superglue contains a cyanide chemical.

  2. When the employees of a High Rise Scaffold Company, Doncaster,
    England, attended a fire safety seminar, they watched a fire officer
    demonstrate the proper way to operate an extinguisher.’Pull the
    pin like a hand grenade,’ he roared. ‘Then depress the trigger to
    release the extinguishing agent.’

    Later Simon Baxter, a rather
    nervous, young and new employee was selected to extinguish a ‘controlled
    fire’ in the live demonstration area.

    In his nervousness, he
    forgot to pull the pin.

    The instructor roared, ‘Like a hand
    grenade? And again louder, ‘Like a hand grenade, remember?’

    In a
    burst of confidence Simon pulled the pin ………………… and
    hurled the extinguisher into the blaze

  3. A woman was killed from chlorine gas poisoning when she mixed Harpic
    and Domestos together in a confined space. She had inadvertently created
    the same conditions as experienced by the soldiers during a gas attack
    in the trenches of the First World War

The Safety Officer: An Hilarious and Funny Story

Once, an engineer, a physicist and a safety officer all applied for the
same job.

The Managing Director interviewed all three, and thought all were
excellent. He had to think of some way to find the best person. So he told
them all to come back the next day and tell him the exact height of the
building. The one who was closest would get the job.

The physicist went to the top of the building, and dropped iron balls to
the ground, and had his friend timed the balls. He did this several times.

The engineer got out a sextant, and computed ratios of a yardstick to the

The next day, the manager asks all three of them to tell how tall the
building is.

’75 feet, 2.8 inches,’ says the physicist.

’76 feet, 4.1 inches,’ says the engineer.

’75 feet, 8.4 inches,’ says the safety officer.

‘My Goodness, said the MD, ‘the safety officer got it exactly correct.
How did you manage that?’

‘Well’, said the safety officer, ‘I went down to the planning department
and looked up the height in the building records.’

Safety Picture – Getting
to Work in India

Safety train

Pictures, such as the above, of people on trains has caused the Indian
government to try and ban this unsafe practice, and reduce deaths which run
at about 10 per day due to people falling off the roofs of trains.

Joking aside… If you have suffered an
accident at work then help may be at hand.

See more funny warnings and lucky escapes:

Funny warnings   •
Funny safety pictures   •
Safety at work   •
Funny health & safety   •
Shoot self

Funny warning labels   •
Silly Labels   •
Funny product labels   •
Silly Christmas warnings   •

• Lucky escapes   •
Lucky escape   •
Safety PowerPoint   •
Funny warning signs   •
Accident video clips