1) New Way of Making Money

I thought I had exhausted ways of making money, then I saw this:

Making money - head in sand

There really are boys making money this way
in Delhi India.

2) Would This Job Interest

You don’t
have to be mad to work here – but it helps.

Making money - Target holder

I wonder if they take turns?

Or could it be a case of, ‘There are those who shoot, and those who hold targets?’

3) Another Unusual Way of Making Money

An Unusual Way of Making Money

It seems that the assistants dip the stooge’s
in ink and then attempt to paint on a suitable canvas.  Ingenious, but I cannot see it catching on.

4a) Child Labour?

Will and Guy's humor crazy ways of making money

Funny way to make money?

4b) Baby Chili or Chili Baby?

Baby Chili

5) Dog Labour?

dog begging

The nearest dog costume looks very realistic, but the blue one needs a bit more

Please send us your new ways of making

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