Otters have a specially adapted lens so that they can focus underwater.
Will and Guy have collected these fascinating facts about a wide variety of

Interesting facts about bearsInteresting facts about bears

  • Statistically, more people are killed by lightning strikes than by
    grizzly bears.  Taking the USA as an example, although deaths by bears
    attacking people are on the increase, they account for no more than 4 deaths
    per year compared with about 70 for lightning.  In the UK, on
    average 3 people each year are killed by lightning, but none by bears.
  • The brown bear eats a lot of fish, this is one of the reasons that it’s
    the largest land carnivore.
    If you are ever confronted by one of these animals, you better out-smart it because
    bears run faster than you can.
  • The term ‘bear’ is correctly applied to at least five completely
    different species.  To distinguish between these different
    bears, we need an adjective or epithet.  There is the North American
    grizzly bear, Ursus arctos and its close relative the polar bear, Ursus maritimus.
    Then there is the panda (bear), Ailuropoda melanoleuca and also the Asiatic
    black bear, Selenarctos thibetanus.  If you visit South America you may be
    fortunate and see the
    spectacled bear, Tremarctos ornatus.  Finally in India there is the sloth,
    which is really a bear called, Melursus ursinus.  The Koala bear is of
    course a marsupial. 
    See more interesting facts about bears

Interesting facts about

  • Eight times a year a congregation of crocodiles gathers in on the Mary
    river to the east of Darwin Australia.  Instinct tells them that at
    these unusually high tides means masses of fish are going to leap over the
    barrier as the tide comes in.  On one occasion David Attenborough showed up
    and filmed about 60 crocodiles feasting on the fish as they tried to leap
    over the barrier.
  • Differences between Crocodiles and Alligators
    Crocodiles have more pointed ‘V-shaped noses, whereas alligators have a wide
    U-shaped, snout.  If you see a an olive brown body wriggling in a tropical
    river it’s more likely to be a
    crocodile.  By comparison, alligators are darker and may appear almost black.Interesting facts about crocodilesWill and Guy think that the teeth are the biggest clue in the croc -v- gator
    debate.  In crocodiles, the lower 4th tooth
    looks like a peg and juts into the upper jaw.  Alligators have a smaller
    lower jaw, thus when they close their mouth you don’t see much of the lower
    teeth in general, and the 4th ‘peg’ in particular.
  • Unusually, the gender of crocodiles is determined by temperature.
    If the eggs are incubated tat over 33c,
    then the egg hatches into a male or ‘bull’ crocodile.  At lower
    temperatures only female or ‘cow’ crocodiles develop.
    See more interesting facts
    about crocodiles

Interesting facts about dolphins

  • Watching dolphins feeding on shoals of fish is fascinating.  The school
    of dolphins marshal the fish into a ball, then each dolphin in the school takes
    it in turn to swim through the fish and seize a tasty snack.  Such is
    the control of these animals, that it is impossible for the fish to escape
    until all the dolphins have had their fill.
  • How dolphins drink water is a conundrum.  In a nutshell, they don’t
    drink seawater, because of the salt concentration.  Thus they have to
    obtain water through their food, for example, squid or sea cucumber.
    The rest of their water balance is down to having efficient kidneys.
    Talking of water balance, let us consider, how do we humans ‘lose’ water?
    The answer is by sweating and through exhaling, both of which are reduced in
    the dolphin.
  • Dolphins see and navigate their underwater world by echo location.  By
    generating clicks at about 500 clicks per second, dolphins can echo locate,
    their friends, their foes and their prey.  We are only just
    appreciating their skill in simultaneously detecting objects, both near and
    far, moving and stationary.
    See more interesting
    facts about dolphinsInteresting facts about dolphins

Interesting facts about ducks

  • One amusing ritual for introducing friends to an Indian
    restaurant, is to persuade the greenhorn to order a Bombay duck, and then
    watch their incredulity when the waiter brings a dried fish.  The
    Bombay duck really is a fish, or to be completely accurate, a lizardfish,
    which does indeed live in the waters off Bombay.
  • ‘Lame duck’ was originally an 18th century term for investors in the
    stock market who could not, or would not, pay their brokers.  Later in
    1926 a Wisconsin newspaper, wrote the heading:  ‘Making a lame duck of
    Coolidge’.  Calvin Coolidge would be the first of many American
    presidents to be saddled with the epithet – Lame duck president.
  • Will and Guy’s favourite
    collective name for a group of flying ducks, is a ‘team of ducks’.
    When they are on the water we call them a ‘paddling of ducks’.
    However, everyone else seems to refer to them a ‘flock of ducks’, whether they
    are flying, swimming, or on land.
    See more interesting facts
    about ducks

Interesting facts about
elephantsInteresting facts about elephants

  • Elephants display ‘right-handedness’, not in their limbs, but in the
    tusks.  Close examination of an elephant’s tusks will reveal that one
    tusk has a blunter tip and is thicker than its less favoured counterpart.  The
    reason for this difference is that in their natural habitat elephants use their tusk(s) for
    gathering food, and digging for water.  Consequently the tusk on their favourite becomes more developed, but blunter.
  • An elephant detective could track an elephant by following their individual
    footprints.  What would help such stalking is the elephant’s habit of
    using the same paths as their ancestors.
  • The elephant’s memory is legendary, what is not so well known is they
    have a special ceremony for greeting a long lost member of the herd.  In this
    greeting ceremony both elephants flap their ears, trumpet and generally
    express joy.  See more
    interesting facts about elephants

Interesting facts about ferrets

  • Ferrets make for an interesting and unusual pet.  Owners love them
    because they are inquisitive while awake, else they just sleep.  They are also
    relatively easy to house train, and can interact ok with other pets such as cats
    or dogs.
  • Hearing is their most strongly developed sense, presumably linked to their
    ability to survive underground in nature.
  • Ferret racing is making a come-back in England, it’s a popular way of raising
    money at fetes and craft shows.
    See more interesting facts
    about animals

Interesting facts about the

  • Whilst the male flamingo doesn’t actually lactate, he can
    produce a milky fish soup in his crop, which he then feeds to his little fledgling flamingos.
    Incidentally, chicks are born with straight bills, they only start to curve
    after about 10 days.
  • In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the flamingo was the symbol for red.
  • Ancient Romans on the other hand, thought that the flamingo’s tongue was a
    tasty delicacy.  See
    more interesting facts about the flamingo

Interesting facts about frogsInteresting facts about frogs

  • Frogs will only eat something that moves; in nature that would be insects, or maybe spiders.  Frog farmers soon learn that frogs are not
    tempted by dead meat.  Tadpoles on the other hand, are vegetarian.
  • Unlike reptiles, amphibians such as frogs, always return to water to breed.  (Think of frogspawn).
    However, there is a midwife frog where the male carries the frogspawn around
    on his body.  When he senses the time is ripe, he swims out into the
    water and the tiny tadpoles emerge from their egg-jelly and swim away.
  • Ranidaphobia means fear of frogs; however there is no need to worry that
    touching the animals will give you warts, that’s just one of the many myths
    surrounding frogs.  See
    more interesting facts about frogs

Interesting facts about giraffes

  • If you ever see live giraffes, then the first surprise is how graceful they
    are; despite their long legs and neck, they glide over the ground.  To
    prevent them tripping over their own legs, when they run, the front legs land
    inside the hind legs.  Still pictures of giraffes don’t do justice to their
    athletic movement in nature.
  • Just as we humans all have distinct faces, so giraffes all have distinct
    markings or patterns.
  • Watch for the neck, giraffes show their emotions by the position of their
    head, submissive – near the horizontal; aggressive, standing tall.  It
    strikes me as one of the wonders of nature how their hearts can pump blood all
    the way up to their heads. 
    See more interesting facts about frogs

Interesting facts about lionsInteresting facts about lions

  • A lion’s tail is different from that of the other members of the cat
    family, it has a tassel end.  The tail can be used for signalling in a
    wide-range of situations; for instance, mother to cub, ‘this way’, one
    huntress to another, ‘I am circling left’, or even from lioness to lion,
    come hither’.
  • Crepuscular means becoming active at dawn or dusk, and it describes the
    lionesses hunting strategy perfectly.  In the twilight they take
    advantage of their good eyesight, stalking prowess, teamwork and raw power
    to overcome the weakest zebra or wildebeest in the herd.
  • While the lionesses do most of the hunting, and pretty much all of the
    cub rearing, the lion dominates the pride and fights off other males.
    When the old lion is deposed by the new younger fitter lion, the new king
    kills off all the cubs.  This seems cruel, nature in the raw, but as he
    is king of the castle, killing the cubs makes sure that the lionesses come
    into season, and look to him to father some more cubs.
    See more interesting facts
    about lions

Interesting facts about moles

  • Going back in history to 1702, moles were responsible for
    the death of King William III (William of Orange).  What happened was
    the king was out riding, and his horse stumbled over a molehill.  Three
    weeks later the king was dead as a result of injuries sustained during his
    fall.A fanciful story? Maybe; but how do you explain William of Orange’s enemies,
    the Jacobites raising their glasses and toasting, ‘The little gentleman in a
    black velvet suit’.
  • In the mole kingdom, the males are called boars and the females are
    called sows.  Both genders are solitary outside of the mating season.
    Consequently, it’s only in quizzes that you ever see the collective noun, a
    ‘labour of moles’, or a ‘company of moles’.
  • One of the funniest made-up names that I have heard
    was Dame Celia Molestrangler, played by Betty Marsden in the 1960s radio
    programme ‘Round the Horne’.
    See more interesting facts
    about moles

Interesting facts about
ostrichesInteresting facts about animals

  • Ostriches are the fastest two-legged animal on the planet, capable of
    over 40 mph.  Also stamina is not a problem, they could probably cover
    25 miles in one hour.  Unfortunately, or fortunately – it depends on
    how you look at it – ostriches are a flightless bird.
  • Do ostrich feathers make good dusters?  True, you bet; ostrich feathers are highly prized
    for removing cobwebs.
  • Do ostriches really bury their heads in the sand when danger approaches?   It’s a myth.  Firstly it would have no value as a survival strategy.  Secondly, ostriches have vicious
    beaks, and they can also deliver a nasty kick with those long powerful legs.
    See more interesting facts
    about ostriches

Interesting facts about otters

  • Otter have specially adapted lens, which enables them to focus underwater.
    Have you tried opening your eyes underwater?  What a difference a pair
    of goggles makes.  They also have skin flaps to help them keep out the
    water when they dive to depths of around 30ft.
  • As with humans, old otters have white whiskers.
  • Those that study otters say that they carry around the same stone.
    Moreover, they are one of only a few tool-using mammals.
    See more interesting facts about

Interesting facts about pandasInteresting facts about pandas

  • The giant panda has a special place in Chinese folklore; for example the fur or
    pelt was thought to ward off plagues.  Each region of China seems to have a
    different name for the panda for instance, cat bear, eater of bamboo or great
  • Pandas have one of the biggest contrasts between tiny baby and adult.  They gain their full size at about 4yrs old and become
    reproductively mature at age 6, and may live for about 25 years.
  • Rumour: The collective name for a group pandas is a pandamonium.
    See more interesting facts about

Interesting facts about peacocks

  • Some people believe that to see a white peacock will bring eternal happiness.
  • Several Asian countries have the peacock as their national bird, notably India.
    In the case of Burma it’s a different species, the grey peacock-pheasant.
  • Peacocks get most of their colour from light reflection rather
    than a dye.  The feathers have barbs, which in turn have rods.  It
    is these rods that controls how light reflects and produces the green,
    golden yellow, brown and bright blue.  White peacocks have a slightly
    different arrangement of the rods thus don’t develop the usual colours.
    See more interesting facts
    about peacocks

Interesting facts about tigersIntersting facts about tigers

  • How many stripes do you thing a tiger has?  Guy guessed 20,
    Will guessed 50, we were both a long way out, tigers have over 100 stripes.
  • At the mouth of the river Ganges in Bangladesh is the Sundarbans
    mangrove forest.  This area house one of the largest groups of tigers
    in the world.  Moreover, unlike other tigers, this Bengal sub-species
    will kill humans who wander into its territory.  While old or injured
    tigers of other sub-species will kill humans when they are hungry, the
    Bengal tigers are the only group where fit an healthy tigers and tigresses
    become man-eaters.Relatively recently locals realize that tigers attack only from behind, thus
    if they have to go into the mangrove swamp, then a mask on the BACK of their
    head really does offer protection from tiger attacks.
  • Cartoons featuring tigers often show them opening their claws like
    flick-knives.  There is a grain of truth in this caricature in that
    tigers do have sharp 4in retractable claws.  Incidentally, they have
    five toes on their front legs, but only four on the back legs.
    See more interesting facts
    about tigers

Interesting facts about

  • Giant tortoises can weigh over 500 lbs. This makes some tortoises strong
    enough for humans to ride on their backs.
  • Tortoises evolved over 200 million years ago and are relatively
    unchanged over time.  Their success in adapting to the environment is probably
    due to the protective ability of their shell or carapace.  This shell
    is made up of 60 bone-like plates.
    Interesting facts about tortoises
  • You may recall the famous Aesop’s fable featuring the Tortoise and the
    Hare.  Ever the boaster, the hare taunts the tortoise that he can race
    him.  The hare rushes off into a lead, but then fools around and falls
    asleep.  When the hare wakes he is just in time to see the plodding
    tortoise crossing the finishing line and winning their race.
    See more interesting facts
    about tortoises

Please write to Will and Guy if you have any interesting animal facts

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